Change from a flat page It’s a page that looks dimensional.
Just scooping the wings of the nose can look better.
Alar reduction surgery change the nose
Flat face to look more dimensional!

The wide nose wings make the face look big and hard.
A well-fitted nose will make the face look three-dimensional and look younger.
Who is suitable for blepharoplasty?
01 People with wide nose, large nostrils
02 People with wide noses make the nose look flat
03 People with a bridge of the nose but the tip of the nose falls
04 People who have wide and thick nose wings doesn’t look right on the face
Nose Blepharoplasty
for beautiful slender nose wings look natural
Without seeing the scars!!
Nose alar reduction surgery method
01 Nose alar incision technique
Remove fat and thick nostrils
Make an incision by looking at the line between the cheeks and the wings of the nose.

You don’t have to worry about scars after blepharoplasty!
Because the incision in cutting the alar nose will be under the base of the nose.
The incision line will be between the alar of the nose and the cheek.
02 Technique to shape the tip of the nose
change from wide nose wings
nasal cartilage flared out
The tip of the nose has a beautiful proportion.
by lifting the nasal cartilage to set up

In the case of rhinoplasty with nasal bridge augmentation
The doctor will adjust the proportions of the nose to look naturally beautiful.
in order to match the shape that the patient wants
The advantages of reducing the larynx
01 Change your face at home to look beautiful and outstanding
02 Can’t see the scars
03Balance the overall proportion of the face
04 Fast recovery

※ Alert: Common complications that can occur after surgery such as bleeding, infection or inflammation Differs depending on the physical condition of each person, so caution should be strictly observed. nose surgery nose surgery barbie line Mach nose surgery tall and soft Rhinoplasty C-point Silicone carbing rhinoplasty Surgery time 1-1,5 hours Method of using anesthesia, sleeping pills, hospitalization without suture removal 5-7 days Recovery period after suture removal, can live a normal life
Content and image credit: ID Hospital
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