E-Min Kyung / Age : 23 years Surgery Area :Chin,Nose
Before Surgery
Because I was worried about my plain-looking face and my nose didn’t suit me, I went to get a filler injection in my nose. However, even after doing it, the bump at the tip of my nose didn’t go away and it’s still there all the time. ㅠㅠ
Before this, my face wasn’t that bad. It was just an ordinary face like most people.
However, I want to look more beautiful so I want to have plastic surgery!

After Surgery 1 Month
Why do other people like taking selfies of themselves? Now I understand, haha.
After having my face done, I feel even better in front of the camera and more confident taking selfies now!

2 Months after Surgery
If the swelling goes away quickly, then I can live my daily life to the fullest. Haha!
But now, wherever I go, I have much more confidence. I carry my confidence with me all the time.

* The result varies from person to person.
Credit Details and Image : ID HOSPITAL Call: 02-7147663 Chat Now: www.fb.com/messages/t/STMstyle Line Official: http://line.me/ti/p/@stmstyle Website www.stmstyle.com
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