After treating acne until it’s gone. The disturbing thing that usually follows is Acne scars, hyperpigmentation, redness, acne scars, and keloid scars.
But those scars may not always happen If there is maintenance and not by hand or pressing acne in the wrong way
If not properly treated Acne scars stay with us for life. Therefore, another method that can help is laser.
There are many types of lasers used to treat acne scars. depending on the depth of the wound Characteristics of the scar
In addition, the consistency of treatment It depends on the depth of the wound. which should be approximately 10-20 times

- Fraxel laser stimulates new skin. old skin cells Treatment of wrinkles and stretch marks to make the skin smooth and even
- Starlux laser is a laser that reaches the dermis layer. Help stimulate collagen in the skin layer.
- Pico laser is suitable for treating redness, black marks from acne because it is a helper that focuses on correcting pigmentation.
- iCON laser Compared to the previous 3 types of lasers, the iCON laser is quite powerful, so it is suitable for people with scars. or deep acne holes

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Content and image credit: Gangnam Theme Skin
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